Pushing for the best!!

Because I have always felt the universe has dealt me a hand that has been too hard to carry at times. I made myself a promise that my children would feel what I never have loved and cared for. Every parent I know wants what’s best for their children. But our idea of what is best for them might not always jibe with their ideal’s. I am often in a battle with myself over gentle nudging and helping them with what personal decision they think is correct, trying to find that delicate balance between encouraging and pushing too hard. The question I am always asking myself is: Am I pushing too hard? At its best, getting kids to do things that are challenging for them will teach them grit and flexibility while also widening their world view — whether it’s participating in sports, trying out for a new class or engaging in a new social situation. But at its worst, pushing children too far can cause them to retreat inward, become resentful or develop even greater anxiety a...