World Change Starts Here!

I truly believe as homeschool moms, dads and families we are changing the world.   Change starts within ourselves, our homes and then goes out to our communities.    As home schoolers  we are truly using a powerful weapon Education.  Below is our  Quote of the day.
 Education is the most Powerful Weapon which you can use to change the world.
Nelson Mandela
I really had to think about this quote.  When I think of a weapon the first thing that comes to my mind is something use to hurt someone.  But I have to remember that a weapon is also used for protection,  thinking like that we rock as home schoolers   We are daily giving our children a powerful weapon, education.  This weapon of education will for ever give them a defence and method  of protection.   So today Home schoolers when the thought comes  across our minds are we doing the right thing, are we giving our children all that they need . Remember this we are giving them a most powerful weapon, we are giving them education, love , values and undying support.


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