Summer Schooling!!
As many homeschooling families our summer is still very full of learning. We school year round. although our schedule is a little looser during the summer. Over the summer my goals are going to be listed below, To save some time and to get the result I kind of want (them doing the work). I make packages that includes math, language arts, reading, and any extra information I want to revisit.
Math- Each child will continue to work on their math skills.. And I will try to get Zach through his 8 grade math class.
Reading- Still working on teaching Aniyah to read (no real luck yet). My older boys will be working on their list of classics.
Language Arts- We do had outs as a part of our daily package. We are still playing games still with the site words, Writing sturcture for the older boys,
Right now this is the extent of school for our summer. We will take days off for bowling, golf, and swimming.
Please share what your summer schooling looks like !!