Rebuilding a Broken Relationship after months and years of damage!
An old wise woman once told me that trust is the foundation of every relationship. How do you rebuild trust once it is broken? Trust can be broken in many different ways often infidelity and other times by the result of one partners behavior betraying the others sense of safety and confidence. Trust can also be broken when unspoken expectation have failed to be met. Lines get crossed when what is expected is not communicated to the other person. What ever the cause hope is not lost.... You can rebuild trust but it will take work from both parties.
Let's not not get ahead of ourselves it is crucial to understand what trust is, what it feels like , and how it looks. Trust is described as a feeling of commitment and faith, like a big hug all warm and safe. Trust is something you can consistently rely on a safe place to land when everything else is unsure.
The lack of trust will look and feel different for everyone.... Here are a few ways to rebuild trust in any relationship!
1) Each person must be willing and have the willingness to work on the relationship
2) Openly be wiling to apologize
3) Reflect on the greater good
4) Work on creating new memories
5) Never be afraid to ask for what you need
6) Reignite a connection
Look toward the future be willing to start again and design a vision of your future together build both short term and long trm goals nad take steps to build a better foundation.