A day in Que's world ! (Homeschool / working mom)


So life is crazy enough just trying to homeschool throw a job in the mix and the fun really starts... LOL  So I thought it would be interesting to give everyone a peek into this craziness I call life.  So I will be sharing what a typical school day looks like for us with my work schedule included. Make sure you customize your schedule to fit your family best.
Wake up by 6 – 7 I get up first and wake the children. The kids take a long time to get up.  To help with mornings we lay out everything out at night. I try to also prep for breakfast the night before also. 
7-7:45 – We get dressed and are on the road by 7:20.  Monday, Wednesday and Friday breakfast is on the road and consists of stuff like yogurt/ granola, fruit, pop-tarts ( don't judge I try to buy the all-natural ones). Three days a week I teach at a local private school.  My 5 youngest take classes there and I treat it like a co-op for them and me!     
8– 12   I teach psychology to grades 11 - 12I enjoy teaching my class  and the children enjoy interacting with other children.  
12-1 – Lunches are simple homemade pizza, sandwiches, homemade hot pockets or soup.  
1 -3 – This is when we start work on our main school work.  My two six graders do power homeschool, and my 3rd and 4th graders both do Mobymax. My tenth grader starts Florida Virtual his online classes. They generally do these lessons on their own with a bit of help from me if needed.  While they work, I work on lesson plans, menus, and bill paying during this time when they don’t need me to be hands-on with their learning.
3-8 – This is typically where the children finish their schoolwork and free time for the children starts. Also during this time I leave for my second job, I expect the children to do their chores and then they are free to have fun with whatever they want. My son watches them most times and  if they have no homework I can take them to work with meI 
8:30 – Bedtime – This one will really depend on the night.  The children  have karate, dance and library days, and there are a few other things we participate in weekly. The times on these will vary. However, it will generally mean everyone getting home about 8:30 on these days we eat late.  Dinners on our late nights are light things like a salad bar, baked potatoes or a light soup. I have everyone check their chores, do a quick shower and pick out clothes and then bed for all the littles. 
Once the kids go to bed – The children typically head to their rooms between 9/ 9:30 They don’t have to go to sleep. They have the freedom to play quietly or read. They are generally asleep by 10/ 10:30 at the latest.
10:30 or 11 – I keep a small basket downstairs to pick up small  items that  will clean down the entire house. I find that a quick pick up, load of dishes, counter wash down, and sweeping will help me to wake up the next morning to a  some what clean house. I just feel better when I go to bed knowing the house is clean.
