
As mothers, wives, sisters and friends there is
no question that our fast paced lives can leave us
feeling exhausted and depleted.  We must understand that
there is a season for everything.  Each one of our seasons can leave us
wondering how we're going to make it though
just one more day.  Unfortunately our seasons don't
work like earthly seasons every three our four months.
No our seasons come daily. weekly,  or monthly.  Each day we all find ourselves in a new
season to care for a crying child, a season to pray for or with a friend.
Through these seasons we need wisdom to know when to shoulder a certain season alone, when to delegate, and 

when to call on the Lord an cast our burden on him.

I'm sure each of us has had a day or time where we just had to have a good cry, wash our
face and move on in what ever season we are in at the time.  Understanding  that this season
at this time we must bare alone.  While at other times when were burdened beyond belief
a friend will come and touch our heart with such care that through prayer and friendship it
makes that season more bearable.
But I am sure we all can agree there also comes a time  when only Gods shoulders are large enough to carry the 

weight of our season. Or worry.  With God's help  we can then walk straight
head, cope with intolerable and figure out the impossible. 
As we are blessed by his love and grace.   We are shielded from the rain and braced
for the elements that can and will come in all areas of our own personal seasons.  His
love then sets us on a cleared path.  Thus allowing us once again to help carry another sisters
season and embrace the other seasons of our own lives as they come!

Lord God thank you for allowing us to all come together
and embrace each other. Being there as we travel through our
own seasons.  We know that your holy spirit is
here with us . Help each of us to see the cleared path
you have set before us. Keep each of us focused on you Father as we deal
with each other and  your sweet little loves today! In your Holy and 

righteous name A man!!!!


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