Home school Class Rooms!!
I have been homeschooling for such a long
time, and when I started having a homeschool class room was not on my
list. Over the years and as my need of organization
increased it has become a need in my home.
What I have learned is that creating
a homeschool class room isn’t that hard. To be honest if your not like me and your child have
constant projects, all you need is a place to write and a place to keep the
books. With that being said, I’ve learned over the years how to create a
great homeschooling space. With many
fails and a lot of trial and error. Creating a learning inspired classroom is
really simple.
When I first started homeschooling we were
living in California in a small home. My bright ideal was to use a back storage
area, my mistake was it was to small. We
all felt like we were on top of each other and it was stuffy in the summer and freezing
in the winter. Half way through and with
the pure need for peace I moved us all to the kitchen table, we all were able
to breath.
What I have learned is to make your classroom
functional and child friendly! Because I
have so many I have to make sure that the desk are not too close together, that
the room is not to hot or to cold. Allow each child their own work space. Younger children like to hang their handy
work and educational posters are always a plus.
I use to have each child with their own desk, I now have opted for a
table to all sit together. Creating a comfortable, livable homeschooling
classroom might mean using the family room, or giving up the formal dining room
non of which I wanted to do. I really need to be able to pack it all away
or close a door on “school”, if you live in a small space you may have to
embrace your homeschooling lifestyle, and learn to live with maps and timelines
as living room décor, which I did for years.
When we began homeschooling, we simply used
the kitchen table. However, as homeschoolers we we’re eating three meals
a day at home- and that kitchen table
was always on Double duty. It quickly became an annoying burden to bot me
and the children to pack up our lessons and projects every time we got
hungry. My kindergartner also couldn’t work comfortably at the big table,
and I would often find her standing on her chair in order to reach her paper or
desperately trying to reach supplies in the middle of the table from her
booster chair. No wonder she was struggled with
basic concepts!
Over the years I have became very modern in my
homeschooling thoughts…. A lot of our
homeschool classes involve technology of
some sort. My older two sons do a
lot of Virtual School which are conducted
entirely online, while my other children
use the internet more for research and practice learning. I have found many apps on our tablet, for math
practice and reading. Other
technology I use a lot would be: my DVR and DVD player, eReader, and an MP3
player for audio books and music files.
I loved reading blogs,
and now surfing Pinterest, I enjoy looking at other moms ideals and thoughts. But
I have learned over time that what works for one might not work for me. Why ?
We are all so unique and our teaching styles so different, so our class
rooms should be an expression of who we are as a family
Make YOUR CLASS ROOM work for you!
I’d love to hear about
some of your homeschool classroom: Please share in the comments!