Picking the best curriculum for your family!
Home schooling might look like the best plan ever for your family. Until you start to look at and for curriculum, then you might start to feel more like a fish out of water than a educator. There are so many choices out there to pick from, and it can be very overwhelming. Like many parents I began to feel out of my depth with the seemingly endless supply of home schooling resources available. But if you're stepping into the home school arena, you don't have to be intimidated. With a little preparation, you can find the curriculum that is a perfect fit for your family, I did! Know your Foundation The best curriculum for your children will be the one that aligns with your family's purpose for home schooling. Perhaps your key values, political worldview, schedule and expected outcome should play a significant role in your decision. One of the best ways to avoid getting sidetracked from your initial purpose is to write an academic mission statement that ...